Spiral Galaxies Oil Painting

This Spiral Galaxies oil painting is made by Mr. Ivan Carmody, one of the directors of ArtSculp Guild. After careful study and research on Spiral Galaxies, he thought of putting his idea on canvas.

Earlier during the 1980’s when I was still in college and in my teens, I had a National Geographic magazine which mentioned the Artworks of Ludek Pesek, a Space Artist.
He was well educated in both his fields, Painting and Astronomy. He was famous for his paintings of the planet Mars and Saturn as Voyager 1 and 2 had been sending images and data of the planets.
Ludek Pesek had gone a bit deeper into all the Electromagnetic Spectral Data and to create images of the planets as if on them however the Voyagers just managed to capture these images in a near flyby.
Being inspired by Ludek Pesek, I started started studying Art, Sculpture, Design and Astronomy as one subject.
This oil painting by me depicts a grazing encounter between two Spiral Galaxies, the NGC 2207 and IC 2163, which is approximately 80 million light years away from our solar system, some books have referred to this grazing encounter to be 130 million light years away, whichever be the correct figure, it’s in the constellation of Canis Major.
As these two galaxies are in grazing encounter, which is constantly in progress, I decided to use it as a subject to paint using oil paint, my favorite medium.
The viewer seems to be an Astronaut, who has made it upon a volcanically active Asteroid or maybe an Exoplanet viewing this grazing encounter, however in reality, it’s virtually impossible for us to reach there with the present technologies.
For such a journey, it will be vital that an Astronaut can travel to this place with the speed of light and have a life of over 80 million years, only then this place may be reached, however by the time an Astronaut, reaches there, he may not find those stars and planets existing anymore, as that may have been just the photons trailing around in space.
This oil painting is an imaginary trip through space and time, it’s on canvas, 36 inches by 24 inches.


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This Spiral Galaxies oil painting is made by Mr. Ivan Carmody, one of the directors of ArtSculp Guild. After careful study and research on Spiral Galaxies, he thought of putting his idea on canvas.


36" x 24" inches


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